Waste audits and education programme deliver savings
Client: Exeter College
Project: Cohen Quad Waste Management
Department: Business recycling and waste
Date of completion: July 2018
Saving of £3,875 + VAT per annum
Cohen Quad is Exeter College’s site on Walton Street and as such they needed effective disposal of general waste, recycling and food waste.
ODS is experienced in running educational programmes alongside tailored waste management solutions in order to effectively reduce the waste being generated and improve recycling rates.
To educate hundreds of changing students and staff to use the correct receptacles for disposing of their waste alongside bringing the correct bin sizes and number of collections within budget and work towards reducing waste and improve recycling.
From audit – to ODS organised a number of sessions every year to catch the new students and staff. Two 1,100L general waste bins were introduced and emptied every day, Monday to Saturday, alongside two 1,100L recycling and two 120L food waste bins, emptied every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and finally, two 240L bottle bins emptied every Monday and Friday.
After a periodic audit, this February, ODS has been able to reduce the general waste bin collection to three times per week as there has been an improvement in how students and staff recycle.
“Since moving in, we have worked very closely with ODS. With their help and guidance, we have been able to educate the students and staff to use the correct receptacles for disposing general waste, recycling and food waste.
This February because of the way we now use the facilities, we have reduced the general waste bin collection to three times per week, making a saving of about £3,875 per annum.” Meena Rowland