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Keep the parks litter free

With the long Jubilee Bank Holiday almost upon us, many will want to get out and about and enjoy the wonderful parks and open spaces that Oxford has on offer.

Some may be planning to take up Oxford City Council’s suggestion of using the parks to celebrate the Jubilee by holding picnics with groups of friends and family.

While many residents have applied to hold street parties, the Council is suggesting a low-cost, sustainable alternative, by permitting small-scale celebrations in many of Oxford’s parks.

But these areas won’t stay wonderful if visitors dump their litter everywhere. Oxford City Council wants to remind everyone that, whether visiting the parks for a celebration, or just out for a relaxing walk, vistors should use the plentiful bins in the parks to dispose of their litter, or take it home with them.

Oxford has over 150 park and green space sites. Time spent in parks, whether exercising or just enjoying nature, has been shown to be good for physical and mental health. It is important the whole community can benefit from enjoying our outdoor spaces all year round.

Litter kills

Litter doesn’t just cause an unsightly mess – it kills. Two cows – including a seven month old calf – died on Port Meadow two years ago as the result of eating plastic bags, balloons and other left-behind rubbish. Other grazing cows and horses have sustained multiple injuries that include glass cuts, and the Council and ODS staff have even had to rescue swans that became entangled in litter.

And dropping litter can cost the culprit cash - visitors who fail to bin their rubbish or take it home face a £150 fixed penalty notice. When you’re out and about this summer, please think twice before dropping rubbish.

Councillor Chewe Munkonge, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Parks, said:

“We want everyone to enjoy our parks, especially if the weather is good over this long Bank Holiday. But there are always a few who spoil it for the others by carelessly dropping their litter. It’s not only unsightly, it’s dangerous to pets and wild animals, and you could land yourself with a fine."

“Bin it or take it home!”

Julian Cooper, Landscape and Countryside Supervisor, ODS​, said:

“We expect footfall to increase over the Jubilee Bank Holiday in our parks and green spaces so we will have additional staff on duty and on call. We want to remind residents and visitors to dispose of their recycling and waste properly to help keep Oxford’s parks and green spaces clean and green.”