Temporary closure of Oxpens car park
Oxford City Council’s Oxpens car park will close temporarily from 16 May 2022 so that the disused car park decking can be dismantled. Once dismantled, the recoverable steel will be sold.
The closure is expected to last for 13 weeks. Parking will then be available again once the decking is removed and until the site is needed for redevelopment.
The on-site public toilets will also be closed for this period. Oxford Ice Rink will remain open.
Oxford City Council’s Cabinet took the decision to remove the decking on 22 January this year.
Alternative car parking:
There is plenty of parking capacity elsewhere in the City, however Oxford City Council wants to encourage the use of buses and particularly the five park and rides as a more affordable and sustainable alternative to city centre parking to avoid traffic congestion. A list of these, and other alternative car parks, is available on the Car Parks in Oxford web page.
Oxpens car park is set to become part of the Oxpens development, one of the most significant development opportunities in the city centre.
Councillor Tom Hayes, Cabinet Member for Green Transport and Zero Carbon Oxford, said:
“The steel frame decking was built in 2014 as a temporary replacement car park for use during the Westgate works. The top deck of the car park has been closed since January 2019. Planning permission for the car park decking has expired and so the structure will be dismantled and removed from its current location."
“To avoid city centre congestion we are encouraging drivers to use the five park and rides that provide a convenient and cost effective route into the city centre.”